
Systems Analysis
Sirius Networks understand that the fastest, most powerful computers in the world are no good if they don’t do the work that your organization needs them to do. With that in mind, Sirius researches, plans, coordinates, and recommends software and system choices to meet your organization's business requirements.
Computer Networks
Your Computer Network Systems are Critical. Sirius Networks prides itself in proactive network monitoring and management solutions, to virtually eliminate downtime while reducing IT costs, allowing your agency to be more productive and profitable. Additionally, we offer networking infrastructure service and support, telephony, and electronic document management solutions, all designed to help you succeed through the smarter use of technology.
Project Management
A successful Project Manager must simultaneously manage the four basic elements of a project: resources, time, money, and most importantly, scope. All these elements are interrelated. Each must be managed effectively. All must be managed together if the project, and the project manager, is to be a success. Sirius Networks assumes the role of making sure everything comes together in a timely, cost-effective manner.
Security Analysis
Knowing the vulnerabilities and threats that face your organization's information and systems is the first essential step in risk management. Sirius Networks shows you how to use cost-effective risk analysis techniques to identify and quantify the threats—both accidental and purposeful—that your organization faces. Security analysis can help organizations make informed decisions on where to invest their security dollars. It can also enable them to launch a comprehensive risk-management program.
Education (Training)
We understand the challenges you face in today’s business climate. Effective education and training have never been more needed with the ever-changing technology and accelerating product cycles. Sirius Networks offers IT training services customized to fit your organization. Attendees receive high quality training designed to implement programs using proven techniques. |